This blog is dedicated to the diffusion of beneficial technologies for the environment, as well as the consciousness-raising of the need to preserve our nature and the knowledge of the good activities for health.- Este blog está dedicado a la difusión de tecnologías beneficiosaspara el medio ambiente, así como la toma de conciencia de la necesidad de preservar nuestra naturaleza y el conocimiento delas actividades buenas para la salud.

The #occupy People Could Use A Few of These: The Decagon Tent

Logos/Promo image
As they hunker down for winter, I suspect a lot of #occupiers would love the Decagon from the Japanese outdoor company Logos. According toDesignboom,
The tents are modular elements which can stand as individual sections, working as a single traditional tent. However, a special fastening system allows them to be attached to one another in a multitude of arrangements
to create interior environments of any size and composition. There are four main modules: 'decagon link', 'link dome', 'link screen' and 'car joint tarp' which can be joined to one another.

I am not so certain about this car joint tarp, it is like the connected garage in the monster home, but I suppose it might be convenient for quick getaways when the police arrive.

Certainly you could accommodate a lot of people, away from prying eyes. The Decagon was up for a Japan Good Design Award but did not make the short list. More images at Designboom.

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