This blog is dedicated to the diffusion of beneficial technologies for the environment, as well as the consciousness-raising of the need to preserve our nature and the knowledge of the good activities for health.- Este blog está dedicado a la difusión de tecnologías beneficiosaspara el medio ambiente, así como la toma de conciencia de la necesidad de preservar nuestra naturaleza y el conocimiento delas actividades buenas para la salud.

Calxeda ARM processor builds low power server platform

Calxeda introduces low power server on a chip architecture to the market. HP plans to deploy hundreds of the ARM-based CPUs in a small footprint server platform that will replace traditional servers. The Calxeda processor is designed for web serving, in-memory computations, and analytics. …

… “An Embedded Management Engine delivers zero-touch, always-optimized power management that eliminates manual intervention and guesswork.” …

Via Calxeda: EnergyCore Processor.

Calxeda Energy Core low power ARM processor

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